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5 QUESTIONS to ask yourself before starting to RENOVATE!

Updated time: 18 May, 2019, 12:03 (UTC+08:00)

1. What is my ultimate goal for the renovation?

Do you want a space that can last for generations, easy to adjust and transform into other styles? Or would you prefer to impress your friends - with the most luxurious, modern look - and make them have to come to your house every Saturday to hang out, and admire your gorgeous place's beauty?

5 QUESTIONS to ask yourself before starting to RENOVATE!

Remember: No matter what your goal is, make sure you stick to it throughout the whole renovation process. You would want the consistency in all designs, features, and ultimately creating a space that even can exceed your visions and expectations.

2. How much money should I spend?

When it comes to the budget game, a lot of factors can affect it. However, the easiest way to make sure you are in control - and not over-spending too much on those last-minute alterations or furniture shopping spree - is having an expert with you. In this case, a good interior designer. Their experiences could help you not only save money but giving you the best options to decide on the overall budget that would best fit your needs and your goal.

5 QUESTIONS to ask yourself before starting to RENOVATE!

Remember: Expect to exceed your planned budget by 10 to 20%. Set out your total budget to be a little less than what you can afford is the smartest way to make sure the final bill is still in your control.

3. Is the overall style that I am going for really is the best one for me?

Everyone wants to be authentic and unique. But on the other hand, following the style you were impressed by seeing it on the top-notch interior magazine might not be the best option. Doing some research on different interior styles, in order to know what exactly are you aiming for, could save you a lot of unforeseen troubles.

5 QUESTIONS to ask yourself before starting to RENOVATE!

Remember: If staying on budget is your main objective, consider going Scandinavian, or Minimalism - the simplicity of these styles will allow your house to look beautiful even with economical choices. On the other hand, wanting to stand out and have a one-of-a-kind place with Eclectic style, might not be as great as going Retro or Industrial - which would help you to land on safer options for your furniture and decorative items, and maybe not going overboard with something too much of chaotic creativities.

4. How can I fight against the "furnishing and decorating battle" right?

Make sure to have your interior designer pick out many options with different pricing for... everything. By doing this, you can focus your budget on the things that you really like, and lower the standard for add-ons or extra stuff. Nothing beats a stunning and comfortable sofa, but you might not be able to afford one that great because of all of the over-sized classical wooden bed that you thought you absolutely needed it.

5 QUESTIONS to ask yourself before starting to RENOVATE!

Remember: Make use of your past high-school art projects or contact friends and families for decorative stuff that they no longer need (everyone has tons of these). You might surprise yourself with what you could find. Maybe a set of tree branches which totally matches that feature wall of yours that needed a wall-hanging tree art.

5. How can I manage to get everything done with a peace of mind?

With so many things needed to be prepared and look out for, working on your own to manage a renovation project seems to be impossible without a lot of stress involved. A renovation is supposed to be a fun, exciting journey to get to your new space - a better home - a wonderful life. How about a simple answer to all your worries: an interior design firm - Wonder Design and Construction can help you taking of the whole project! From initial planning, project managing to after-sales services, we will help you to be in control of everything - yet do not have to spend much effort, taking out too much time off your normal work schedule at all!

5 QUESTIONS to ask yourself before starting to RENOVATE!

So if you already wanted a house renovation, let us get you started NOW! Call or WhatsApp us 87166999 for our inquiries & receive our best deals and offers.

And there you go! Once you have thoroughly answered these questions above, you would find that everything is not as difficult as it seems. Happy renovating!

By Wonder Design and Construction team

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At Wonder Design and Construction, your satisfaction is our only and biggest incentive. Our team of experienced interior designers, carpenters, and builders are always striving towards giving you the best possible living space - tailored to your needs, your style, and your budget.