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Being one of the leading commercial interior design firms in Singapore, Wonder Design & Construction is well-experienced when it comes to handling any kind of commercial projects.

Our design process begins with an obligation-free consultation and assessment of the current conditions of your office. After conducting an on-site assessment, our experts will deeply understand your renovation needs. Then comes budgeting and costing. We can assure you that we offer our services at highly affordable price. With our experience, we know that every office has unique design requirements. Hence, we can customize the solutions offered by us.

Our services in Singapore include strategic facilities planning, cost planning, design management as well as project management. Our team prides itself on serving our clients with integrity and professionalism. We believe in honouring all promises made and being 100% transparent with our clients. We strive to deliver nothing short of excellence in all that we do.

For all budgets, we'll fit right in! When you work with us, we ensure we take care of every detail from start to finish.

We offer the following types of commercial remodeling services:

Retail Store/Cafes
Retail Store/Cafes

Commercial and Industrial Factory Renovation Services

You may be interested in our following job scope:

  • Reinstatement
  • Partition wall construction
  • Glass panel and doors
  • Carpentry works
  • Electrical works
  • Floor covering including carpet, vinyl tiles and epoxy floor painting
  • Wall covering with painting or wall paper installations
  • Architectural & mechanical submission by engineers
Commercial and Industrial Factory Renovation Services

Office Renovation Services

  • Reinstatement
  • Submission for Renovation Approval
  • Design and Welding
  • Electrical Installation Application
  • Interior Design
  • Gypsum Wall Construction
  • Door installation
  • Glass Panel and Glass Door Installation
  • Ceiling Work
  • Carpet & Vinyl Floor
  • Carpentry
  • Painting
  • Electrical and Plumbing Work
  • Partition and Erection
  • Curtains, Blinds and solar film
  • Other renovation related works
Office Renovation Services
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Creating a Great First Impression in the Lobby

The first thing people see when they enter a building is the lobby. It’s what shapes the whole experience. A lobby that is unfinished looks unprofessional, and a tired, worn out entryway gives visitors the wrong impression. A finely fitted out lobby or a freshly renovated one shows prospective tenants, buyers, and clients that the building is well maintained, and has management that pays attention to the details.

With something as important as a first impression on the line, you want to be sure that your building’s lobby is done right. Structural and cosmetic upgrades need to be of the highest quality, have a tight fit and professional finish, and be built to last. Wonder Design & Construction has the knowledge to renovate your lobby from floor to ceiling, wall to wall, and beyond.

Creating building amenities that people enjoy

A building can have the wiring, lights, HVAC, plumbing, sprinklers, and everything else that building codes require, and still feel empty. Amenities are what make empty spaces into useful rooms where people can live and work every day. Amenities come in countless varieties, and a few that we’re particularly good at building are:

Conference rooms for planning the next steps and keeping projects moving forward

Conference rooms for planning the next steps and keeping projects moving forward. A strategic business plan requires coordinating your efforts, both in-person and from afar. A conference center that seamlessly integrates communications technology into a tastefully styled room that matches your office’s decor is a modern business must-have. Wonder Design & Construction can provide pristine conference spaces that impress clients and help you get the job done.

Conference rooms for planning the next steps and keeping projects moving forward

Comfortable and fully equipped cafeterias let staff refuel and refresh themselves for the rest of the day. A comfortable dining area for staff is an important way of ensuring that their workplace is somewhere they like to be. And it requires more than just a few tables and chairs. Spacious counters for food prep with deep sinks and comfortable built-in booths are just a few of the construction options that make a difference in how employees enjoy the space.

Lounges and reception areas that make a statement

Lounges and reception areas that make a statement. Whether it’s the reception area of an office, a lounge for visitors, or the dining area of a restaurant, seating areas are going to be where impressions are made. Reception areas can show your philosophy with reclaimed pallets repurposed as room dividers, impress with their taste and elegance, or encourage conversation with wrap-around booth seating. Whatever your preferred style, Wonder Design & Construction has the skills from decades of experience to build it.

Modern restroom facilities that are comfortable and easily cleaned

Modern restroom facilities that are comfortable and easily cleaned. Whatever the decor of your building, a public restroom should strive to match it, while providing an amenity for employee and client comfort. It also needs to be hygienic and easy to clean in order to retain that comfort. With years of experience designing elegant yet serviceable restrooms, we know how to meet the needs of both interior styling and cleanliness.

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About Us

At Wonder Design and Construction, your satisfaction is our only and biggest incentive. Our team of experienced interior designers, carpenters, and builders are always striving towards giving you the best possible living space - tailored to your needs, your style, and your budget.