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Facilities and Space Planning

Here’s an example of an office plan designed to meet the needs of various types of employees:

A floor plan with a mixture of open and private spaces

The goal of this type of mixture may be to:

  • Improve collaboration among departments by breaking down (literal) barriers.
  • Increase productivity by giving certain employees (e.g., engineers) more private work spaces.
  • Facilitate and encourage more remote work.

Engaging the Professionals for Office Space Planning is Essential!

Office space planning and knowing the right space to lease is very important. Leasing too much space can be a business burden in terms of rental payment and under-utilization of space. Leasing too little space may turn out to be a constraint to your business and staff growth. Not doing this planning right can become a gap later and may result in the need to relocate before your lease expire. It is potentially a very expensive exercise!

Why is Office Space Planning Important to Your Business?

Engage an Interior Design team to handle the Office Space Planning is recommended before you begin looking at potential lease space. A good office floor plan can make all the difference in leasing the right Size, Space and Cost for your company.

You can be assured that ultimately your new office will be a good fit for your organization and most importantly, the subsequent phase of design and construction will progress flawlessly. It makes sense for management to invest time and effort on Office Space planning to maximise use of space and minimises rework later and therefore minimise cost of ownership or rent.

What Wonder Design and Construction can do for you?

Wonder Design & Construction team of experience professionals is able to help you plan and maximize your Office Space in a functional and cost-effective way. Don’t waste more time to search around, we offer our best quality solutions and service at competitive market rate. Most importantly, our Office Space Planning consultancy service is complimentary when you engage our interior renovation services. Our project manager or designer shall work with you end to end to ensure you achieve your goal on office space usage and we could manage the project for you if you engage our renovation service, beyond the office space planning.

Call or email us now for a friendly and non-obligatory discussion on your needs in planning your office space.

About Us

At Wonder Design and Construction, your satisfaction is our only and biggest incentive. Our team of experienced interior designers, carpenters, and builders are always striving towards giving you the best possible living space - tailored to your needs, your style, and your budget.