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Interior design consultancy

If you need advices on topics related to the design of interior space, Wonder Design & Construction can surely help you with. We design plans personalized to your tastes that also serve a functional purpose.

Send us your floor plan or invite our interior designer at your home or office, we will suggest you best utilization of space and design ideas which will add value to your property.

Wonder Design & Construction strives to make architecture that is both meaningful and rooted within its context whilst at all times being embedded with local culture. Our approach to design allows for buildings, interior spaces and products that synthesis between the client’s requirements, budget and its context. Thereby, developing each project specifically, whether a large–scale building or a small furniture detail.

About Us

At Wonder Design and Construction, your satisfaction is our only and biggest incentive. Our team of experienced interior designers, carpenters, and builders are always striving towards giving you the best possible living space - tailored to your needs, your style, and your budget.